About LDC

Colonie Local Development Corporation

The Town of Colonie Local Development Corporation (the “LDC”), in conjunction with the Town of Colonie Industrial Development Agency and the Town of Colonie Department of Planning and Economic Development, supports Town of Colonie economic development through the creation of new business and employment opportunities and the retention and expansion of current commercial enterprises. This is primarily achieved through the use of the LDC bonding authority as well as targeted grant programs. The purpose of the LDC is to benefit the residents of the Town of Colonie.

LDC Mission Statement

The Town of Colonie Local Development Corporation (the “LDC”), in conjunction with the Town of Colonie Industrial Development Agency and the Town of Colonie Department of Planning and Economic Development, supports Town of Colonie economic development through the creation of new business and employment opportunities and the retention and expansion of current commercial enterprises. This will be achieved through the use of the LDC loan fund which will encourage economic investment in existing and developing business enterprises and technologies and through LDC bonding authority. The purpose of this mission is to benefit the residents of the Town of Colonie.

The LDC’s performance and achievement of the LDC’s goals shall be measured by the following:

  1. Number and quality of new business and employment opportunities created;
  2. Number and quality of current commercial enterprises retained and expanded;
  3. Amount of LDC loan fund and bonding authority used to achieve the two preceding measurements; and
  4. Other activities of the LDC which further its mission.

Re-adopted March 2022

Download the Mission-Statement document
Download LDC Organizational Chart

Opportunity Starts Here

Industrial Development Agency (IDA) & Local Development Corporation (LDC)

The Colonie IDA and LDC have supported more than $450 million in project investments in the Town of Colonie, New York since 1990. Recent projects include:

The Ayco Company

$23.6 Million in Capital Investment
717 New Jobs Created
185 Jobs Retained

Afirm’s Sports Inc.

$10 Million in Capital Investment
51 New Jobs Created
4 Jobs Retained

Restaurant Depot

$8.5 Million in Capital Investment
42 New Jobs Created

Chris’ Coffee Service

$6.2 Million in Capital Investment
92 New Jobs Created

More Projects
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