Starlite Associates, LLC. 85 Coliseum Dr (IDA)
Approved Projects
VF Lear Jet Lane (IDA 0105-23-01A)
Lincoln Avenue Development, Phase 1A (IDA 0105-22-03A)
Lincoln Avenue Development Phase 1A Application
IDA Resolution Authorizing Public Hearing
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Lease Agreement
PILOT Agreement
Project Agreement
Sub-Agent Appointment Agreement
Approving Resolution
Amendment Request
Public Hearing Resolution - Amendment
Letter Request for Collateral Mortgages
King Thiel II Senior Community (LDC)
King Thiel II Senior Community (IDA)
Northway 6 (IDA)
Crisafulli Associates (IDA)
35 Broadway LLC aka SoldierOn (IDA 0105-21-03A)
King Thiel Senior Community (IDA)
Environmental Assessment Form (June 9, 2021)
Application (June 15, 2021)
Resolutions with respect to the assignment and additional financial assistance (June 21, 2021)
Cost-Benefit Analysis (July 19, 2021)
Amended and Restated PILOT Agreement (March 1, 2022)
Project Agreement (March 1, 2022)
Omnibus Amendment to Basic Documents (March 21, 2022)
BLK Property Ventures (IDA)
Lincoln Avenue Development, Phase 1 (IDA)
First Colonie Company, The Desmond (IDA)
Application for First Colonie Company Limited Partnership (The Desmond Hotel)
First Colonie Company Tourism Destination Report
Cost-Benefit Analysis for First Colonie Company LP (The Desmond Hotel)
Approving Resolution
Project Agreement
Installment Sale Agreement
Sub-Agent Agreement (Design and Supply Co)
Sub-Agent Agreement (Bette & Cring, LLC)
Chris’ Coffee (IDA)
IDA Project Applicaton for Financial Assistance
Economic and Fiscal Impact Report Trixie Girl, LLC/Chris’ Coffee Service, Inc.
Chris' Coffee Approving Resolution 01-27-20
Chris' Coffee Lease Agreement
Chris' Coffee Project Agreement
Chris' Coffee Sub Agent Appointment Agreement 348 Old Niskayuna, LLC
The Ayco Company, L.P. Project (IDA)
Ayco Company Application
Ayco Company Cost-Benefit Analysis
Ayco Company Approving Resolution (07-11-18)
Ayco Company Project Agreement
Ayco Company Lease Agreement
Ayco Company Sub Agent Appointment Agreement (The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.)
Ayco Company Sub Agent Appointment Agreement (Holt Construction)
Starlite Associates, LLC (IDA)
Starlite Associates Application
Starlite Associates Cost-Benefit Analysis
Starlite Associates Approving Resolution 07-11-18
Starlite Associates Lease Agreement
Starlite Associates PILOT Agreement
Starlite Associates Project Agreement
Starlite Associates - Sub-Agent Appointment Agreement (LeChase Construction)
Starlite Associates - Sub-Agent Appointment Agreement (Rifenburg Construction)